Why Join the ISSP?
- Be a voice in shaping the evolution of your profession.
- Connect and network with thousands of other safety professionals.
- Attend workshops, training events, and annual convention at a reduced cost.
- Publish and receive credit for professional papers.
- Join a global safety community and learn how to leverage best practices from a variety of safety professionals.
- Receive periodic professional development papers.
- Accept the credit you deserve for your education, training, hard work, and years of experience.
- Obtain the professional title you deserve.
- Impress prospective employers and colleges with enhanced credentials.
- As a registered member of the ISSP, you are authorized to include Registered Safety Professional (RSP) to your professional title. The RSP designation enhances your credentials and confirms your professional status.

Who Should Join the ISSP?
Safety Management Professionals from all communities of practice are eligible:
- Aviation
- Construction
- Healthcare
- Industry
- Mining
- Occupational Safety
- Oil and Gas
- Public Safety
- Transportation
- You!

Why We Exist
- To bring enhanced creditability to the profession of safety management.
- To have a global voice and the ability to shape our profession.
- To educate the world about the role of the safety professional, their duties, responsibilities, education requirements, and most importantly, the value safety professionals bring to the organization.
Professional Designation
Special Notice – The International Society of Safety Professionals (ISSP) IS NOT affiliated with the US Based Board of Certified Safety Professionals that
issues the ASP or CSP credential, nor the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals that issue the CRSP credential.
We award the ISSP Certified International Safety Manager - CISM certification only to ISSP members who earn the designation.